Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We're famous!

(click on the link in the title--or on the Model D link at right, for a story callled sidewalking)

Well, Paul and Maggie are anyway....I refused to be in the picture, but my cute husband, daughter, dog and house carried the day. Maureen's a neighbor and a fellow freelancer--she covered for me when Maggie was born.

Off to enjoy our 15 minutes...


pnutsmama said...

that was adorable- maggie looks like my pnut, all dark and petite and sweet. that dobby is a cutiepie!
and, if i may be so bold- paul? rowr!!

enjoy your 15 minutes!

msuspartan99 said...

what did i miss?

Amy in KC said...

Maggie = cutie pie

But you already knew that!

p.s hoping for definite confirmation news soon...

Em said...

I haven't seen a picture of Maggie in a while. Where did the baby go? You have an adorable family. Why didn't you get in the picture?